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    Manual Notetaking…

    Manual Notetakers take notes for D/deaf people and people with disabilities in a wide range of situations. Their clients include, but are not limited to, D/deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, and deafblind people and also people with visual impairments, dyslexia or mobility problems.
    Manual Notetakers are trained to take a clear set of notes handwritten in English for the client to read later. The Notetaker will go to the same lecture or meeting as the client and will need to sit within “listening distance” of the speaker; it is for the client to decide if the Notetaker sits next to them or not. The Notetaker will record, as far as possible, a summarised account of all relevant spoken information, including asides, and any discussion/comments; this leaves the client free to concentrate on what is being said.
    One advantage of Manual Notetaking is that annotations of handouts, diagrams and equations can be easily added to the written notes. Manual Notetakers can also provide Notetaking services on outdoor excursions and field trips. Some Manual Notetakers may be able to type up their notes and email them to the client after an event.
    Manual Notetakers work in a variety of settings where the client may wish to have a comprehensive set of notes to refer to in the moment or at a later date. Bookings can include situations such as Appraisals, Conferences, Training, Staff Meetings and Health Care Appointments. Manual Notetakers are also widely used within an Educational setting.

    “...the live notes are pretty much on a par with what the lecturer is saying and definitely better than the subtitles for News at Ten!"
    SL (Stroke Care CPD module) - UWE Bristol