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    1. NAME
    The name of the organisation shall be the Association of Notetaking Professionals (from hereon the term ‘Notetakers’ refers to both manual and electronic notetakers)

    The aim of the Association shall be to represent Notetakers as a professional body, and to promote Notetaking and its good practice by:
    a) Providing support and fellowship for members of the Association
    b) Representing the views and concerns of the membership
    c) Providing a forum of discussion on all matters relating to Notetaking
    d) Encouraging the development and promotion of Notetaking
    e) Encourage CPD for members
    f) Sharing guidance, advice, information and best practice with fellow members
    g) To establish and maintain links with other relevant organisations

    a. Membership
    The association shall have the following membership structure:
    i. Full membership
    This shall be open to those who have a notetaking qualification approved by the Management Committee
    ii. Trainee membership
    This shall be open to those who are currently working towards a notetaking qualification as approved by the Management Committee.
    iii. Associate membership
    This shall be open to those who wish to contribute to the aims of the Association, but are not qualified Notetakers or working towards an approved qualification.
    iv. Institutional membership
    For an organisation to become members – including up to five named individuals.
    b. Voting eligibility
    Only full members of the Association shall be eligible to vote.
    c. Subscription
    All membership shall be subject to payment of a six or twelve monthly sum laid down by the Management Committee at the time of the Annual General Meeting irrespective of the date of joining the Association and payable annually on 1st January for annual subscriptions; six monthly subscriptions run from 1st July to 31st December. The half yearly rate is to be 50% of the annual rate.

    The Management Committee shall be elected annually from Full members.
    All candidates for election must consent to office and must be proposed and seconded by any two other voting members of the Association.
    At every Annual General Meeting of the Association a Management Committee of a minimum of three full voting members will be elected. The Management Committee will decide on allocation of tasks and titles as appropriate.
    Minutes of all meetings are to be taken for distribution to the membership.

    5. AGM
    The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting at a time and venue to be decided by the Management Committee.
    Annual General Meetings must consist of any two of the Management Committee. They shall be open to all members of the Association.
    The Quorum at any Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be 20% of the total voting membership present in person (including the two Management Committee members) or present using remote access.
    Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to every member of the Association not less than six weeks before the date of the proposed meeting. Notification of the date and general location of the AGM shall be notified three months in advance.
    Minutes of all meetings are to be taken for distribution to the membership. Draft minutes will be distributed after the first management meeting following the AGM/EGM.

    6. EGM
    Extraordinary meetings of the Association shall be convened at the request of Management Committee members or by petition by at least 10% of full members.
    Such a meeting must be convened by the Management Committee within six weeks of receipt of the request or petition. Notice of the meeting must be circulated to the Membership at least 28 days before the date thereof and must include the reason for the petition.
    The quorum at any Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association shall be 30% of the voting membership present in person or present using remote access. Minutes of all meetings are to be taken for distribution to the membership

    Management Committee meetings shall be held at least three times annually. Meetings shall be convened by notice to members of the Management Committee ideally at least two weeks beforehand.
    The quorum at any meeting of the Management Committee shall be a minimum of two Management Committee members plus one other voting member including those present by remote access.
    In the event of an equality of votes, the vote of the Chair of the meeting shall be decisive unless the Chair of the meeting is involved in the decision topic, in which case the Chair can nominate another full member present to use the Chair’s vote.
    Minutes of all meetings are to be taken for distribution to the membership [as before]

    Subject to lawful consents, to raise funds by way of gifts, grants, loans and fundraising activities. The Association shall not undertake permanent trading activities.
    To apply the funds of the Association in any lawful way for the furtherance of its Aims.
    To establish and operate current and deposit accounts in any bank or building society in the United Kingdom in the name of the Association.
    To employ and pay any persons not being a member of the Management Committee to supervise, organise and carry out the work of the Association.
    Subject to lawful consents to dispose of or turn to account all or any of the assets of the Association.
    To delegate such powers as are thought necessary for the furtherance of the aims of the Association, provided that any persons or sub-Management Committees so employed report fully and promptly to the Management Committee.

    "There are different types of Notetaker. Look in our Notetaking section to find out more."