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    Continuous Professional Development…

    CPD is a process allowing professionals to show they take responsibility for their own learning and development and apply it to improve the practice of their profession. The best practitioners reflect on their activities and strive to improve the service they provide. The ANP believes that signposting and organising CPD opportunities within our professional organisation, increases respect for the profession and enhances the development and appreciation of our members skill-set.

    Undertaking CPD activities enables members to:

    – Get a better understanding of broader aspects of the profession
    – Gain and maintain practical experience
    – Increase confidence and satisfaction
    – Focus on skill areas needing development
    – Develop a client base, as satisfied clients increase demand for the service
    – Improve customer care techniques
    – Develop techniques to manage difficult situations
    – Improve their reputations

    The ANP provides members with a suggested activities list and endeavours to cover all possible areas of CPD. Members can choose the activities that best enhance their practice. We also provide a CPD log for members to keep a record of their activities. Members can visit the Members Area of our website, which is password protected, for further information.

    "Notetakers work in so many different places. Meeting rooms, lecture theatres, doctors' consulting rooms, recording studios, converted warehouses, Deaf centres, peoples' homes - these are just a few examples of where we work..."