The ANP held a stall at Deaffest 2019 at Wolverhampton in May. The event is always busy with predominantly sign language users but our stall received interest from a variety of attendees. We had a lovely enquiry about notetaking in FE from a mother with a deaf son. Karen and Jackie explained the types of notes that can be provided while Karen did a short demonstration. We also had enquiries from people wanting to know how to be trained as notetakers and we discussed the benefits of being a member of ANP.
The stall was really well placed at the venue and we had a steady stream of passers-by and lots of attention to where we would work and how we would best support people.
It is always interesting to realise how many people are unaware of the support that is out there and any enquiry is potential business for our members.
Congratulations to Jackie and Karen who fronted the stall.
Here are some photos to prove just how great they looked!!

Many thanks from everyone.